Our current Board members (as of August 2021)

  • John Metzcar (AMEND USA President)

    John Metzcar is a graduate student at Indiana University in the Luddy School of Computing, Informatics, and Engineering, studying cancer biology using methods from mathematical oncology, complex systems, bioengineering, and informatics. He was diagnosed with multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 (MEN1) after great encouragement from a previously diagnosed family member. He has volunteered with AMEND USA since 2018 after deciding to become more directly involved in the community after the diagnosis of an MEN1-related cancer recurrence. When not coding, reading on mathematical biology, NETs and MEN or helping AMEND USA run smoothly and accomplish its mission, he likes reading, Marvel movies, the great trails, parks, restaurants and farmers markets around Bloomington, IN, and of course, hanging out with his family.

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  • Tori Burnell

    Tori Burnell is an MEN1 patient with a strong family history who’s been told she won the MEN lottery by having all 3 P’s plus adrenal involvement. When not advocating for herself with her doctors she can be found in the X-ray department of an industrial building or shuttling her teens around town. She resides in Maine with her husband and 3 teen children but loves to travel elsewhere when able. New to the AMEND board of trustees she keeps tabs on meetings and looks forward to helping others advocate for themselves.

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  • Mary Metzcar

    Mary Metzcar is an IT professional, MEN1 patient, and fierce cat mama. She has worked as a software engineer and business analyst in various healthcare IT settings including clinical research management software, electronic medical records, and lab operations software. She’s well aligned with her current employer who is on a mission to eradicate cancer. With one cat in her lap and another on her keyboard, she assists the AMEND USA board by managing the website and finances.


    Jo Grey

    Jo Grey has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Association for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Disorders (AMEND) in the UK since 2008.  She became passionate about providing information that patients could actually understand after her own diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) syndrome in 2000 and was involved with AMEND from its inception in 2002.  Along with the responsibilities of running a non-profit, Jo is an enthusiastic patient advisor on several research initiatives with some of the world’s top specialists in these diseases.  When not working or traveling, Jo loves spending time with her two Beagles, Dave and Doug (and her husband and grown-up kids).


  • AMEND USA Medical Advisory Board

    AMEND takes its responsibility of supplying accurate information to patients very seriously. As such, the AMEND Medical Advisory Team are imperative to the production of our patient resources such as our website and patient information books. All our advisors give their time freely and AMEND is very grateful for their help and commitment.

    Note: AMEND is not allianced with any one particular medical facility and tries to ensure that its advisors are geographically spread in order to provide balanced opinion and information.

    Click here to view the current members of our AMEND Medical Advisory Board.