Donate to AMEND USA!
Your donation to AMEND USA aids in providing information and support to patients and their families and continued advocacy for the MEN community. We welcome all donations, large and small, as every contribution counts in helping us carry out our mission.
AMEND USA is run on a volunteer basis by community members with the support of expert medical advisors, who also volunteer their services. Donations go to direct operational organizational costs.
As a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization (IRS number 90-0885351), donations made to AMEND USA are deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.
You can make a donations by the following methods:
Clicking the link below will prompt you to search for your bank. Connecting your bank to Zelle is how you make payments through it. Once you’re connected, use “” to send Zelle-based donations. Visit Zelle’s website for more details.
There are no transaction fees for Zelle-based donations.
Please search for @amendusa or use the link below:
Venmo charges us 1.9% of total donation as well as a small transaction fee.
PayPal/Credit Card
Make a one time or recurring donation.
PayPal charges us 2.9% of the total donation as well as a small transaction fee.
Please mail donations to:
3425 East Longview Ave
Bloomington, IN 47408There are no transaction fees charged to us for check-based donations.
For further information, questions or discussion, please contact us at